How do you make changes that will last? The New Year resolution season is approaching. Do you even remember your 2018 resolutions. We make them, try them, then forget them. They disappear into the daily grind of life. But Shelita Winfield, says she can help you make transformations that last a life time, because they impact your soul, not just your habits.

Shelita is the Soul Impact Strategist. After surviving the death of her infant son, a cheating spouse and a divorce, she fought her way back to healthy and now serves others with her knowledge. As a Life Coach, she helps women transform their lives by impacting their souls. 

Host: Anita Washington, That Anita Live

Topic: How To Make Soul Impacting Change  

Guest: Shelita Winfield 

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In the comments, let me know if you could change anything in your life, what would it be?


Anita Washington
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