Think of yourself as having three power plugs:


One plug extending from your head, another extending from your heart and the last one extending from your hands. If there is any part of the body that expresses the emotions almost as much as the face, it is the hands.

The plug from your head leaves your mind and connects into the Bible. Consistently reading and meditating on the word of God will help keep your mind on what is good.

The plug from your heart plugs into praise, worship and fellowship. These pure and sincere expressions of your feelings send thanksgiving and gratitude from you back to God.

The plug from your hands plugs into prayer. It helps you stay centered and at peace with your maker despite what happens around you.

Connected to the Bible, prayer, praise, worship and fellowship is God. We have to be connected to the higher power to constantly be able to hear and feel God when he’s speaking to us. Otherwise we will totally miss his communication to us and the blessings he has in store for us.

These practices will challenge you daily to stay connected to God and keep your life in His will. As you read the Bible cover to cover, you’ll learn more about Him. As you learn more about Him, you’ll grow closer to Him. God will reveal the meanings of parables and verses as you read. He will teach you exactly what He needs you to know, when He needs you to know it.

When I first committed to reading the Bible cover to cover in one year, I had a ritual. I’d clean my room, turn on my white noise, light my Crisp Bamboo Candle from Pier One, take three deep breaths and read. It created an atmosphere of peace and serenity. It allowed me to focus, rereading verses and passages. It created an atmosphere for me to absorb the word of God. It also created an atmosphere to hear from God.

Tell me have you ever been reading the Bible and the words become highlighted or larger or you read a passage you did not understand previously with clear understanding?

Has that happen to you as you read your Bible? I’d love to hear of your experience and will be waiting for them in the comment section below. Be Blessed!

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Anita Washington
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